We offer NHS counselling services in Wales and some parts of Scotland using deaf and hearing counsellors. Each counsellor uses sign language level 6 & has an in-depth understanding of deaf culture.


Counselling Programmes include:


Use our online self-assessment to start an application for NHS funding.

The self-assessment is BSL video-assisted. Completing the assessment will take no longer than 15 minutes. When the assessment is received you will be invited to a free assessment session. 

Types of Talking Therapies

Talking therapies are psychological treatments for mental and emotional problems like stress, anxiety and depression.

There are lots of different types of talking therapy, but they all involve working with a trained therapist.

The therapist helps you find answers to the problems you’re having.

For some problems and conditions, one type of talking therapy may be better than another.

Different talking therapies also suit different people.

We do not guarantee any person will automatically receive free NHS counselling. 8 out of every 10 applications we submit is accepted, each patient is assessed on their own merits and needs.

The average NHS counselling application takes between 8 and 12 weeks, this varies region by region.


Counselling Questions & Answers

What is it? One to one therapy

How much does it cost? NHS Paid

How many sessions?  It varies depending on the issues you may be facing

How long are the sessions?  50 mins.


By actively listening to you and helping you to explore your feelings and concerns the therapy will be effective in helping you come to terms with your issues. This new perspective can help you make positive changes and improve how you feel and cope.


Counselling can help you manage:

  • Depression
  • Bereavement
  • Relationship difficulties past or present
  • Life adjustments e.g. divorce, redundancy, becoming a parent

The counsellor will listen to you and help you to make sense of the feelings you have.
You can then reflect on the new meaning or patterns that emerge.  This will help you to improve the way you feel and cope.

Deaf4Deaf cannot guarantee any application will be accepted


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